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Digital Marketing

Insights from the In-Crowd: Survey Provides Road Map for Stronger Law Firm Marketing

May 7th, 2014 /

We’re just now beginning to process the incredible implications of the 4th annual State of Digital and Content Marketing survey, which findings were revealed last month. The survey, commissioned by Greentarget, ALM Legal Intelligence, and Zeughauser Group, polled in-house counsel and law firm CMOs on the consumption and production of…well…marketing stuff. There is so much to learn […]

So You Want a Wikipedia Page?

April 30th, 2014 /

Clients often ask about Wikipedia. Prospects often ask about Wikipedia. We could suggest everyone just visit Wikipedia to learn more about Wikipedia. But the truth is, Wikipedia is surprisingly nuanced and it’s crucial for law firms to understand these nuances before surging forward. The benefits are pretty significant. If brand recognition matters, Wikipedia is a go-to […]

Value-Creators Creating Value: A Friendly Introduction to SEO

March 18th, 2014 /

In the world of internet marketing, one term in particular has gotten a lot of red-carpet-attention recently.  Law firms that have contemplated website redesigns have undoubtedly heard their marketing or web team toss it around in an all-important way and without explanation.  (We know, because we’re totally guilty of doing just that.) SEO, or search […]

Buy a Ferrari, Build a Bridge

February 27th, 2014 /

Is it time for a website overhaul? Should you launch a blog? Is LinkedIn working out? Would videos make sense? These are great questions—and great questions to ask often. But sometimes, forays into the digital universe are a most random act of marketing. An “important” partner wants a blog. The blog is born. A hungry marketer […]

A Marketing Wish: Get Social

December 17th, 2013 /

Confession: I’ve been dealing with a marketing hangover. I know how I got here. We’ve been doing a fair amount of public speaking over the last few months and after every presentation about how to grow networks and maintain relationships, it occurs to me that I’ve become a big fat cliché. Really, I’ve been talking about […]