Martini Consulting, LLC Homepage

A Marketing Wish: Get Social

December 17th, 2013 /

Confession: I’ve been dealing with a marketing hangover. I know how I got here. We’ve been doing a fair amount of public speaking over the last few months and after every presentation about how to grow networks and maintain relationships, it occurs to me that I’ve become a big fat cliché. Really, I’ve been talking about […]

Recent NYSB Ethics Opinion Clarifies LinkedIn Use

August 29th, 2013 /

This summer, the New York State Bar’s Committee on Professional Ethics issued an important opinion on law firms’ and lawyers’ use of LinkedIn. The Committee held that neither law firms nor lawyers—on LinkedIn company pages or individual profiles, respectively—may list their legal services under “Specialties” unless the firm or lawyer is certified as a specialist by […]

Why Content Marketing Scares Lawyers

June 27th, 2013 /

While social media has taken over as the content marketing tool of the day, lawyers remain reluctant to engage the digital universe, and understandably so. Social media requires brevity, moves at lightning speed, and invites—possibly undesirable—conversation. On the other hand, lawyers must be in control of online content and commentary. We get how lawyers think. […]