Martini Consulting, LLC Homepage

How Young Lawyers Can Get Smart, Stand Out and Position Themselves for Law Firm Success

November 14th, 2013 /

To law students, we say: Partnership is not a track, it’s an ideology. Think like an owner from Day One. Because distinctions matter. Because you owe it to your future clients and your future partners. We get that the legal world is a competitive, high intensity environment.  That partners can make you shake in your […]

Cross-Marketing: Superb Principle, Tricky Practice

September 23rd, 2013 /

Cross-marketing.  Something we marketers love to talk about. Something firm leadership loves to push.  But it almost never happens with the ease and frequency it should.  Why is that? Origination credit can create as many obstacles as incentives. Time and time again, we hear that many partners want to share, but their colleagues are disinclined to work as service […]

Call for Nominations for NYLJ’s Impact Award

September 11th, 2013 /

In connection with its 125th anniversary gala celebration in November, the New York Law Journal is calling for nominations for its newly created Impact Award. Know of a law firm, in-house legal department, agency, institution or individual who has, in the last 10 years, had a profound impact on the law or the legal profession? […]

Recent NYSB Ethics Opinion Clarifies LinkedIn Use

August 29th, 2013 /

This summer, the New York State Bar’s Committee on Professional Ethics issued an important opinion on law firms’ and lawyers’ use of LinkedIn. The Committee held that neither law firms nor lawyers—on LinkedIn company pages or individual profiles, respectively—may list their legal services under “Specialties” unless the firm or lawyer is certified as a specialist by […]

Why Content Marketing Scares Lawyers

June 27th, 2013 /

While social media has taken over as the content marketing tool of the day, lawyers remain reluctant to engage the digital universe, and understandably so. Social media requires brevity, moves at lightning speed, and invites—possibly undesirable—conversation. On the other hand, lawyers must be in control of online content and commentary. We get how lawyers think. […]