Martini Consulting, LLC Homepage

Buy a Ferrari, Build a Bridge

February 27th, 2014 /

Is it time for a website overhaul? Should you launch a blog? Is LinkedIn working out? Would videos make sense? These are great questions—and great questions to ask often. But sometimes, forays into the digital universe are a most random act of marketing. An “important” partner wants a blog. The blog is born. A hungry marketer […]

Read It & Reap

February 12th, 2014 /

Oftentimes our law firm clients groan and grumble that marketing takes oh so much time. Good marketing does require consistency and endurance, it’s true. But not everything needs to be so darn complex. When it comes to client relationships, a simple rule of friendship is really all that matters: Be a good listener, a good […]

$1000/hour? Raise Standards, Not Rates

January 13th, 2014 /

Deep breath: The National Law Journal’s Billing Survey just came out. As I read the article summarizing the survey’s findings, my heart rate went through the roof, I tripped while scrambling around for stronger reading glasses, knocked over a cup of coffee and…  All in all, not a great harbinger for a new week in a new year. […]

A Marketing Wish: Get Social

December 17th, 2013 /

Confession: I’ve been dealing with a marketing hangover. I know how I got here. We’ve been doing a fair amount of public speaking over the last few months and after every presentation about how to grow networks and maintain relationships, it occurs to me that I’ve become a big fat cliché. Really, I’ve been talking about […]

When Nothing is Something

November 26th, 2013 /

Yesterday morning, I read an article about things successful people do in the morning.  I think there were, I don’t know, like, 14 things we’re supposed to do before 0600.  It was an exhausting read.  I felt like going back to bed before I got to the final paragraph. The truth is, I do believe […]