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Marketing Collateral

You’ve heard it all before. One bite at the apple. One minute for a lasting impression.

Many a true word spoken in cliché.

Blogs, brochures, websites, annual reports, action alerts, external articles, business cards, powerpoint presentations—every single piece of marketing collateral shared with the outside world reinforces a brand. So what is your brand? You decide. Just be sure to make that decision with the right people at the table. We don’t get mired down in discussions about which practice to list first to make such and such a partner happy. We do serve as advocates for excellence, ensuring that our clients’ touchpoints with the outside world reflect expertise, sophistication and polish.

Our experience is compelling. Websites? Too many to count. Brochures? Oy. Biographies? Thousands. Powerpoints? Been there, done that. The fact is, if it has a logo on it, we’ve created messaging, content and design on behalf of ‘white-shoe’ and boutique law firms across the globe. Importantly, we tailor services to meet budgets and respond to needs. If our clients only require copy or editorial support, they call on our combined decades of expertise as professional and published writers. When clients seek a broader overhaul, we work with our own designers and also partner with firms’ existing designers and technologists. Whatever the scale, our objective is to be flexible, smart, affordable and simply superb.

P.S. Ok, ok, maybe no one really reads brochures anyway. But the messaging still needs to be clear and concise. And why not brilliant to boot?

Our clients are paid handsomely to think, read and write. So every piece of marketing material that involves words on paper had better be bullet proof.